





This is a portfolio website intended to demonstrate past work experiences, well, mainly for getting work really. So please bear with me, here we go.

I have worked across creative, customer experience, and digital transformation agencies, and an insurance technology startup. My output history has been multidisciplinary between design and art.

A hands-on technical creative at heart, I enjoyed learning and practicing user-centered problem-solving for clients across various industries, through roles ranging from web designer, motion designer, and interactive Flash designer, art director to UI/UX, system, and product designer. This adaptability reflects my passion for growth towards design innovation.

My approach is pragmatic and versatile, with interests in foundational UI/UX and enterprise information architecture, aimed at improving user efficiency and collaborator autonomy.

My name is Bert. For more professional timeline, please visit my Linkedin page or email for a CV.


I miss Flash, i don’t care what you say. Besides all the dodgy security risks it came with, the tool was actually a great approach in creating interactive experiences, combining design and code. As my mate Jon would put it, exercising both left and right brains.